Michael has on a diaper cover I knitted in this pic
Cloth diapering is easy and simple and fun. Basically, you are putting a cloth in a velcro cover and velcro it on the baby...that's it! I sold cloth diapers before we had children and then we moved out to the country and UPS no longer came to my house, so I stopped selling them.
The things I like about quality cloth diapers:
*they are cotton
* they are always on hand
* they are extremely absorbent
*they come in cute prints
* they are versatile...you can use them for quick burp rags...
*If you have the internet, they are easy accessible and can be at your house in days
* I like travelling with them-as long as there is a washer and dryer where we are staying.
*no rashes
The quality makes the difference. I personally like Chinese Prefold diapers, the bleached ones. This is the old fashioned looking diaper with more layers of cotton in the middle than down the edges. After five kids, I have to own up to the fact that I do not really like the pocket diapers (for me). I used fuzzi bunz and my children seemed too hot in them. I line my diapers with a piece of fleece or a polar fleece liner. My favorite covers (for me), are the Bummis super whisper wraps (if I am using a velcro wrap), or the Bumkins pull up pants in super cute prints (if I am using a snappi fastener). If you use a velcro wrap, all you do is fold the diaper into thirds, place it down the runway of the cover and velcro it snugly around baby. If you are using a snappi fastener (a little $2 item that will snugly hold the diaper in place-use instead of pins), then you snappi the diaper around the baby and then pull up a cute cover on top.
In the photo, Michael is wearing a hand knitted wool pull up pants on top of a cotton diaper that has been firmly put in place with a snappi fastener. That's my personal favorite way of diapering, but for grandmas and helpers....I like to keep the velcro covers on hand-the snappi takes a TINY bit of practice.
O.K. The biggest "issue" with many is washing. So, what about washing? Mostly, the guys are nervous about this. They imagine the poop on their favorite golf shirt and that's the end of that. Basically, dirt is dirt. Your washing machine can handle dirt of all sizes and styles. It handles food stains, dirt, blood, chocolate, and more. When baby is little, their poop is just easy, it comes out just like anything else in the wash. As they get older, you can dump the diaper in the potty and then wash. Once I get to the point (1.5 years old), where I am scraping five poops a day and rinsing huge poop diapers out....I switch to disposables. This is where it gets dicey and I'm out. Usually, I'm pregnant at this point, too. So, it makes it a double exit for me. But until this point, you are saving money every week you use cloth and baby has little to no rashing.
For travel, use a little waterproof "ditty" bag. I like to have this on hand anyway. All yukkies go into this bag and then I separate it out when I get home. The ones out now....are TOO CUTE! I found a website that has all of my favorites (except for the Bumkins pull up pants). It's called www.diaperco.com. Very cool. It is located in Texas, so you'll get hit with state tax if you live here.
Feel free to email me with questions. There are local diaper classes through Diane with www.gobabygo.com. These classes are free and you can learn all about cloth diapering and see samples...this helps lots of people get comfortable with the process.
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