Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Birth Running Late? What's a Girl To Do?

I guess the hardest part of waiting for the birth is the one or two or 10 days AFTER the supposed due date. You may have rough spots along the way, but now you are as big as a horse, you've prepared and accomplished 40 weeks, and your body seems like it's not going to budge. Well, don't lose heart, the baby IS coming. Have lots of sex and include orgasms because this will help soften the cervix and get the baby to come out nicely. My midwife always suggests walking....what a bore and it never seemed to speed up anything for me. Although, I think exercise helps the mental "part" if nothing else.

I came on THE due date 3 out of 4 times. The 3rd child stayed in ten extra days. If it's any comfort, his weight was less than 2 of the other children's weights. I was a little nervous about that one part since I have 10 lb. babies, but he was only 9.5 lbs., so this proved to me that they are ready when they are ready and they will come out in God's timing. My best advice is to get as busy as you physically can. My photo is of me at Sea World, a few hours before my second child broke my water. With each pregnancy I have done different "activities" to take my mind off the bulge.

The first pregnancy, I took golf lessons and lifted weights. The second pregnancy, I got Sea World passes and went as often as possible. The third pregnancy, I had a party the night before the due date and when the baby didn't come on the due date or the next day, I got the inkling that this child was NOT coming soon, so I just relaxed and enjoyed myself until he did come....and then he VERY SLOWLY came with contractions only staying 10 minutes apart the entire time. I finally just went to bed and barely woke up for each contraction until it was time to push. Number four tried to come at night....I don't like this, so I put him off, but in the morning, labor did not come again. This happened twice and then the day AFTER the due date, I felt like it was time and took some castor oil (just a tiny bit) and he was in my arms in less than two hours. I'm not sure if the castor oil even had time to work. I literally went into labor 5 or 10 minutes after I took it.

This time....well, I'm officially six weeks away and I am ready ready ready ready. I don't remember being THIS uncomfortable this far away from the due date. The baby feels huge and is pressing on my rib cage. At first, it was breech (for the last 4 weeks) and it's hard head was pressing. Now, it has flipped and it's buns and legs are pressing. I am most comfortable in the swimming fact, I am DRIVEN to do laps in the pool every day. Today, I kept getting acid reflux and felt I was half drowning...and just taking up a lane for no reason, so I got out of the pool. But normally, all of my discomfort flies away the minute I'm in the pool. This will be my distraction until the baby is born.

I usually walk for exercise, but swimming is SO much better. When walking, you are acutely aware of your personal heaviness and how much bigger you are getting on a weekly basis. In swimming, it's the opposite. You feel huge, you dive in, you're instantly buoyant and fabulous and feel light and clean again. It's quite euphoric. Yesterday I timed how long it took after swimming to feel heavy again and it was about 2 hours. You should try it, you'll like it. If you are like me, you will become somewhat like a labrador retriever who cannot resist water- a puddle or a pool to save his life. He HAS to get wet and the more often the better.....for himself as well as surrounding friends and family.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Ode to Creativity

Well, I’m hosting a baby shower in a few weeks and again, am faced with the huge monster in my life that rears its’ ugly head every celebration that comes along. I can’t bake. I mean, it’s really bad. I made a cake mix for my daughter’s birthday and she was so grossed out by the cake she wouldn’t eat it. You know it’s bad if you can’t make a mix. 

    I guess I would have to put my personal life talents in 4 groups. Group number one: Things I do well. These items I naturally do well, or have taken a class, or something...but they are easy for me. Cooking, sewing...that sort of thing. Group number two are things I don’t do well, or do at all, but this list are things that would make my life easier if I LEARNED to do them well. Every woman has this list. It can cause her to be insecure if she will let it...just depends on how comfy in her skin one is. I’m pretty comfy in my skin, but I visit this list and pull items from it to push myself up a level.. Group 3-things I do not do at all but will get around to when my kids can all go potty on their own and dress themselves (like flying). And group 4-things that I don’t care if I ever do well at, such as play the trombone.Baking is in group number 2. I am horrible at it...but it is starting to personally affect my life since I keep having kids and those kids have birthdays. 

    I can bake three things. Chocolate chip cookies, apple pie, and carrot cake. (A great moment was finding out my firstborn was going to be a “Fall” baby....carrot cake makes a great “Fall” birthday cake) Besides this list, it’s a rare occasion that I have baked anything close to being good...let alone great. So, I finally had to bite the bullet this week and evaluate this baking thing. (Being a food snob can be hard on a woman at times) Why it’s so hard for me to just pick up an HEB cake or COSTCO cake has become crystal clear....the ingredients are printed right on the six inch long label... no matter how hard you try to ignore them, your eye can easily pick up one or more chemicals, even in your peripheral vision. Oh, it’s just one tiny celebration, you say. Well, try on 5 kids for size, plus moms, dads, showers, Christmas....and suddenly the chemical ingestion content is off the charts. And this is just at my house alone...start adding other kids’ birthday parties and other adult parties and you have a frenzied liver by the end of the year. Do I sound a little neurotic? Well, so be it...a woman has to do what a woman has to do with her personality and I have to live with these are the entertaining muses I experience on pretty much a daily basis.

  Oh, one more thing. You don’t HAVE to shop at HEB for cake, you can go to Le Cake or some fabulous place and special order some fabulous little ditty for your party made with amazing ingredients. But the way God made me, this rubs my fur backwards. O.K. Pickup or takeout is supposed to make life easier, right? I think that’s for the single guy or that cute couple next door with no kids...for me, it’s a stress “adder”. And then there’s the cheap part of me that knows the $60.00 cake one just bought only cost $4.95 plus labor. There are some basic survival skills I have acquired as I have had more and more children. One....if you have to drive somewhere to get it (especially right before a party when you’re sweaty and covered with food), all this will do is add stress, not take it away. And two, it’s hard for me to part with money for a wad of sugar, butter, and matter how gorgeous the wad, I have decided it’s time to learn to to bake

    I decided I would give myself 3-7 days to figure this out once and for all, and then I can bring it over to list number one. Now, I have not perfected the art, but I have figured out a couple of things. (which is sort of a big deal because the baby is taking all my dha right now and my brain has been put on “hold” for a few more weeks-I truly have a 12 cylinder brain, but right now it seems to only be operating on 2 cylinders, thinking it’s more like one...milk in the pantry, that sort of thing) Anyway, I have learned how to bake  cupcakes. I bought a cupcake recipe book written by a pastry chef. And the biggest “deal” with baking is this: YOU HAVE TO FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS. This has been VERY hard for me. But I reasoned with myself until I got o.k. with it. You have to follow directions when you make soap, and I can do that. So, if I have to follow directions in order to get the desired result in baking...I just have to do it. O.K. number two is, DON’T FORGET TO FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS (and PRAY over the pan). Why this is so hard, not sure, but I am a substitute queen. And, once I decided to use regular flour (not spelt) butter (not coconut oil), and eggs that are at room temperature (like the recipe states), those little cakes came out of the oven like I had been baking forever.

    Now, I can tell there’s a big ‘ol learning curve on this. You have to try a recipe and then do different icings....that kind of thing to get it down to your personal science, but after a few successful tries (I’ve been baking up a storm over here), the confidence level is there now to bake for this shower. And really, that’s what we women need, right? to keep the fire stoked? A couple of good dishes, a realization that we can really do something...and then there’s wind in those sails to bring items on the group 2 list right on over to group 1 list and give a little pat on the back.

Herbs: Pregnancy, Postpartum, and Beyond

Today I bumped into D.D. at Chic Mama Maternity over on Stone Oak and 1604. SUCH a cute store! (FYI, they are celebrating mother’s day with a “photo op” package for pregnant moms, and then of the newborn after the birth). Anyway, I had mentioned some herbs to one of her employees and they were desperately searching to find what I had, I thought it best to visit herbs all by themselves, away from vitamins. Vitamins are a daily thing, herbs are a “squirt as you need them” thang.

    My favorite one stop herb shop is They have the most comprehensive list of herbs for every phase of life a woman will go through from PMT to PMS to miscarriage to recovering mentally and hormonally from birth to menopause. Jenny, the owner, has a gift with herbs and everything I have taken from them works. Whole Foods now carries about ten of their mixtures, and it’s a good thing.

    Now, herbs, are expensive. BUT, so are drugs. And, herbs don’t have the side effects most drugs have. I have a few tinctures from wishgarden herbs that I really like and then, I found a couple of cheaper substitutes that seemed to do the trick as well. This time, I have not been as faithful with my raspberry tea. I usually drink it every day when I’m pregnant, but this is a “leaf” that keeps your uterus strong and vital. It doesn’t taste like much, so I just mix it with another tea of choice and plop it in the fridge.

    Ok, for labor and delivery, I use AfterEase for afterpains. These are not so bad the first time, but in subsequent births, this is a good one to have on hand. During birth, I like Smooth Transitions for during “transition”. If you have taken a Bradley Method birthing class, you will be very very familiar with this term and when it will occur during the birth. I’m finding not every woman seems to know this information and for me it has been an invaluable key to having a great birth. Google it or get a book on it, whatever you need to do, and then I will share my experience with transition. 

    In Bradley class, you learn that the first 5 centimeters of the cervix opening is the longest period of birth. This part can take HOURS and can frustrate the woman because she feels like she isn’t really advancing, when this is just the slowest part. Once you hit 5 centimeters, the cervix really starts to open and birth moves much more quickly. Around 8 centimeters, or right before pushing is the “transition” phase of birth. During this phase, the woman feels helpless, sometimes cries, and usually feels she cannot go on with birth at this point. Many women ask for drugs at this point. Being armed with this knowledge is “birth changing” BECAUSE, it only lasts a few contractions and then you are THERE. You are ready to push and the contraction part is over. 

    For me personally, knowledge has been SUCH a key to a fear free birth. If I know the signposts and I know what’s next and I know the normal emotions one should experience during the different phases of birth, I feel so much more in control, even in the “out of control” moments. During transition on the first three births, I emotionally experienced the helpless feeling, I shook, and I cried. Usually, this lasted one to two long contractions. Then, it was over and I had a 20 minute “rest” between final contractions and pushing. I would just sit and take a few breaths, drink some kool-aid, and then, it was time to push. On one of those first three births, my mid-wife gave me one dropperful of transition drops DURING transition. The few moments of that herb in my body, my emotions went from all time low to balanced in just a few seconds. 

    The last birth (number four), I had these drops in my hand and walked out to the hot tub, got into  the hot tub, and every contraction I took a dropperful in my mouth. I never experienced the lows and shaking or crying that I had the other births...and then I pushed for 45 seconds and the baby came out. It was the easiest thing I had done so far in my birth experiences. So, that’s my testimony on smooth transitions. Again, being armed with knowledge (use your local library and check out the Bradley Method book) helps SO SO much in birth. Your doctor, your friends, your mother, and your husband don’t know any of this information and even if they do, they forget to tell you.

    I have four bags of the AfterBirth Sitz bath herbs. I’m sure they are great, I just never sat in them. I probably will try this time and really wished I had the other times.

    For lactation, I honestly have never used the herbs from that site. I keep a giant bottle of Fenugreek on hand and if I need a lactation BOOST, I take a few of these vitamins and my milk increases. I get my vitamins from I will give you a tip on mastitis, though. First of all, I LOVE my breastpads that I sew at home and wool breastpads. All of the paper products get old pretty quickly and I start craving cotton or a natural fiber against my skin. You can order the breastpads directly from me, they are $10 a pair if you want.

    Mastitis is basically an infection in one of your milk ducts. Be armed with THIS info., because you can get mastitis within 24 hours of the birth. It’s easy to take care of if you recognize it the minute it hits, but if it goes full blown, you have an intensely high fever and it’s hard to get on top of it as fast. O.K., when your breast gets tender “lumps” in it, that’s mastitis. I usually get it just on one side and many times it’s from stress, or just from being burned out from no sleep, having the baby, nursing, and then still no sleep. The SECOND you realize you have a painful lump, IMMEDIATELY RUN TO YOUR BED, LIE DOWN, and drink a gallon of water. Take vitamin C and rutin together and some zinc and massage your breast while you are in a hot shower. The faster you get on this, the faster the mastitis leaves. One of my friends rubs the outside of her breast with a salve. The main thing is doing whatever you normally do to fight an infection and doing it fast. I got really sick the first time I had this and fortunately one of my girlfriends gave me this advice....ever since, it’s been a piece of cake.

    Speaking of salves, wishgarden herbs has a great salve if you are already shopping there. The New Mother’s Nipple and Repair Salve is nice. I have moved on to a salve I got from the local farmer, but now I know what to look for as far as ingredients go. A salve is a MUST. You MUST have a salve on hand before the birth. This will soothe nipples, bottoms (yours and babies’) breasts, and more. Since the birth I do not travel nor do I leave the house without salve on my personage. It’s first aid in a can and basically has all the ingredients one needs for healing skin. If you happen to tear during the birth, this will help all heal that much faster.

    Postpartum herbs: Baby Blues Mood Support and/or ReBalance: Hormonal Tonic. Keep these on hand just in case. I found my emotions went nuts after the first one and it was such a surprise and unknown/unexpected thing for me that I was not prepared at all. The cheaper “local” item I have found even at HEB grocery stores is called “Bach’s rescue Remedy” a mood and stress support herbal drops bottle. Just squirt some in your mouth and you immediately feel your mood and hormones “lift”. This last time, I just had these drops on hand and they worked great. Just squirt until you find you don’t need to squirt anymore.

    Finally, the last 5 weeks of pregancy, I take 5-W. This is available through Nature’s sunshine or something like that. It’s one of those tier companies, but the herbs in this formula prepare your body, uterus...for birth. I have done these every time.

    Hope this helps. I have a dear friend who educated me on herbs before my first birth, and I will forever be grateful for her information. 


The Word and Taking Time For Him

The following is an excerpt from New Creation Realities by E.W. Kenyon. It is so easy in this day and time, and ESPECIALLY with small children and pregnancy to let time with God slip. E.W. Kenyon was born in 1867 and died in 1948. Some of his writings are so profound, I’m glad his books are still in print.

    “Our attitude toward the Word determines the place that God holds in our daily life.

    The Word should always be the Father speaking to us. It should never be like the message from an ordinary book. It should be as real to you as though the Master stood in the room and spoke to you personally.

    This Word was designed by the Father to take Jesus’ place in His absence.

    When He says, “The Father Himself loveth you,” it is a personal message to your heart.

    When the Master said again, “If a man loves me, he will keep my word; and the Father and I will love him and make our home with him,” that should be as personal as though you were the only one in the world.

    It is as though you were sitting at the feet of Jesus, and He looked down into your face and said, “The Father and I will come and make our home with you.

    “Be not dismayed, for I am your God.

    “I am going to be your strength; I am going to lend to you my own ability.    

    “When weakness comes, remember that I am the strength of your life.

    When you need finances, remember that I said, ‘My Father knoweth that you have need of all these things.”

    You can whisper to your own heart, “My Father will supply every need of mine. He knows my needs and loves me. He and I are one.”

    Man’s word is usually dead before the printer has finished his work. Few words of man live after a generation, but God’s Word is different. It is impregnated with the very Life of God, it is eternal. Heb. 4:12,13 gives us and illustration: (Moffat’s Translation) “For the Logos of God is a living thing, active and more cutting than any sword with double edge, penetrating to the very division of soul and spirit, joints and marrow-scrutinizing the very thoughts and conceptions of the heart. And no created thing is hidden from him; all things lie open and exposed before the eyes of Him with whom we have to reckon.”

    This is one of the strangest statements about the Word in Paul’s Epistles.

    Notice this 13th verse: “That no created thing is hidden from Him.”    

    Of whom is he speaking? The Living Word-the Logos.

    “And all things lie open and exposed before the eyes of him with whom we have to do.”

    The Word takes on personality; it becomes Christ Himself.

    Our contact with the Master, then, is through His Word.

    And did you notice, “the eyes of Him.” The Word then has eyes. It sees our conduct, our attitude toward it. It is a Living thing.

    How deeply that should impress us.

    I hold in my hands a Book with the very Life of God in it, a Book that scrutinizes my conduct; that judges me.

    A Book that feeds this inner man-my spirit.    

    It imparts Faith to my Spirit, builds Love into it.

    God’s only means of reaching me is through His Word. So the Word becomes a vital thing.

    It has been rather difficult for some of us to grasp the fact that during the first century, the Christian Church did not have our New Testament.

    The first epistle that Paul wrote to the Thessalonians was the beginning of the New Testament. It was written seventeen years after his conversion.

    1 Thess. 2:13, “wherefore I also give continual thanks to God, because when you heard from me the Spoken Word of God, you received it not as the word of man, but, as it is in truth, the Word of God; who Himself works effectually in you that believe.” (Conybeare).

    Notice, it was “the Spoken Word.” That was all they had...whether Paul gave it, or Peter , or John, or any of the Apostles.

    It was God speaking through human lips.

    It had not yet been put into writing.

    Now you can better understand Acts 19:20 telling of that great revival at Ephesus.

    Luke used this expression: “So mightily grew the Word of the Lord and prevailed.”

    It was the Spoken Word.

    The Pauline Revelation was only known to those who had heard him. The other Apostles did not have it. They had what the Spirit gave them to meet the emergency of the hour.

    It is a fact that Christianity is what the Word says about Redemption, about the Body of Christ, or the New Creation.

    We become Christlike in the measure that the Word prevails in us.

    The Word is Christ revealed.

    The Word is God present with us, speaking the Living Message of the Loving Father God.

    The Word is always NOW.

    It is His Word to me today. It is His voice, His last message.

    It becomes a Living thing in my heart as I lovingly act upon it.

    It becomes a Living thing on the lips of Love.

    It has no power on the lips of those whose lives are out of fellowship with Him, who live in the reason realm.

    His Word makes our ministry limitless.

    His Word is what He is.

    It is the mind of the Father.

    It is the Will of the Father.

    It shows the way to the Father.

    The Word is the Father speaking.

    You notice that it is always in the present tense.

    The Word is the Bread of Heaven, food for our Spirits.

    Matt. 4:4, “man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.”

    Jer. 15:16 says, “thy words were found, and I did eat them. Thy words were unto me a joy and rejoicing of my heart.”

    Job tells us how precious the Word is to him. Job 23:12. “I have not gone back from the commandment of his lips; I have treasured up the words of His mouth more than my necessary food.”

    When a child of God looks upon the Word as Job did, then it becomes a Reality in his daily life.

    Job had not Written Word; he had the Word spoken by angels.

    We have the Written Word.

    We have it printed in many forms so we may carry it in our pocket.

    How little we have appreciated the value of His message.

    Ps. 107:20 “he sent His Word and healed them.”

    That Living Word that He sent was Jesus.

    Mark 16:19-20: “So then the Lord Jesus, after he had spoken unto them, was received up into heaven, and sat down at the right hand of God. And they went forth, and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them, and confirming the Word by the signs that followed.”

    Notice that the Lord worked with them.

    I believe that a revival would break out almost anywhere if the Lord worked with those who preach, and if the Word was as real to them as the Spoken Word was real to the Early Church.

    But the word of man has gained the ascendancy and has more authority than His Word has today.

    He confirms the Word today everywhere that it is preached.

    I want you to notice how the Father makes the Word good in the lives of men and women as they dare to act upon it.

    In the closing sentence of the Gospel of Matthew, “lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the age,” the believer can be sure that though he be forsaken by all others, there is One who will stand by him.

    But the thing that has most deeply impressed my heart is the Reality of God in the Word.

    He is not only in the Word, but He breathes His very life through it as it is unfolded.

    He said, Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”

    He is in the midst of them in the Word.

    Jesus said, “if ye love me, the Father and I will come and make our home with you” (John 14:23)

    If we could only realize that when we open the Word, it is a Living Thing we are implanting in the hearts of men.

    The Word is God present with us speaking the Living Message of the LIving Father God.

    It is the NOW Word from Him to me. It is His voice.

    It becomes a living thing in the heart of Faith.

    In Rom. 10:8 it is called the “Word of Faith.”

    It is His Word that gives birth to faith in the believer. It is God’s faith expressed.

    You see, He is a Faith God and He always uses words to do things.

    Heb. 11:3 “By faith we understand that the worlds have been framed by the Word of God.”

    Hear Him whisper, “By myself have I sworn” (Gen 22:16).

    Hw was in the Word. The Word was a part of Him.

    You can’t separate a man from his words; neither can you separate the Father from His Words.

    How it thrilled me when I read in Heb. 7:22 that Jesus is the surety of the New Covenant.

    The New Covenant is the Word, and He is the Surety of the Word.

    The Word was a living fact when Jesus spoke it. It is still a living fact.

    Jesus was a part of all He said; He and His Word were one.

    Jesus is just as real now as He was the Day He arose from the dead.

    His Word is just as real now as when He inspired John or Pter or Paul to write it.

    What He said was a part of Himself.

    Reality throbs in it, flows through it, lives in it.

    The Word was, the Word is now what it was then.

    Here are some other assurances:

    Psa. 23:1 “The Lord is my shepherd.”

    John 10:14, Jesus said, “I am the good shepherd.”

    Isa. 41:10, “Fear thou not, for I am with thee: be not dismayed, for I am thy God.”

    Rom. 8:31, “If God is for you, who can be against you?”

    Phil. 4:13, “I can do all things in Him who strengtheneth me.”

    Psa. 271:, “ God is the strength of my life, of whom shall I be afraid?”

    Phil. 4:19, “My God shall supply every need of yours according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.”

    Psa. 121:1,2, “my help cometh from the Lord.”

    PSa. 84:5, “my strength is in Him.”

    Psa. 62:5-8 “God is my refuge.”

    These are Living Words, and as you feed on them they build you up.

    The knowledge of what Christ is and has done for you personally, builds faith in you.

    When I turn to the WOrd and read it as His message to me, He confirms that Message in my life.

    He confirmed the covenant made with Abraham.

    He confirmed the Word that Jesus spoke through the Apostles. (Mark 16:20).

    Jesus said in John 14:15, “If ye love me, ye will keep my commandments.”

    What was His commandment? That we love one another.

    He that loveth me and keepeth My Word, he it is, you see, that the Father loves.

    Here are some other facts that we ought to remember.

    John 16:8,9, “When He (the Spirit) is come, He will convict the world of sin, of righteousness and of judgment: of sin, because they believe not on Me; of righteousness, because I go unto the Father; of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged.”

    What is going to convince the world?

    Words in the lips of Faith.

    Only that Living Word in the lips of Faith can take the place of an absent Christ.

    The Word talks to us. It takes the place of Jesus.

    The Word is the Father speaking to us now.

    It has the same authority that it would have if the Master stood in the room and spoke it.

    Faith in the Father is Faith in His Word.

    The Word takes on all that our Faith demands.

    Jesus said, “According to your faith, so be it unto you.”

    As you consider the Word and act upon it, it will become real to you.

    This Book, the Living Word, has God in it.

    The Word takes the place of the unseen Jesus.

    Mediation in the Word is like a visit with Jesus,

    Josh 1:8, God told Joshua to meditate in the Word day and night; in other words, to live in it.

    Jesus said in John 8:31 “Abide in My Word.”

    the Word gets into your blood, into your system and becomes a part of you.

    The Word is inspired. Holy men spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit, as they were borne along in their spirit life.

    God spoke by the mouth of the holy prophets.

    “The words that I speak unto you, they are spirit and they are life.”

    Every word that God speaks has life in it.

    Remember Heb. 4:12: “The LOGOS of God is a Living Thing.”

    It is not like man’s words which die after a generation; God’s Word lives.

    I love to think of it as the ‘prevailing Word,” as it was in Ephesus. How it ruled over that wicked city!

    Today the Logos of God is ruling in the hearts of those who yield to its sway.

    The Word has the authority of God in it now.    

    It has the Righteousness of God in it.

    It has Recreating power for the unsaved.

    It has healing power for the sick.

    IT is the very Bread of Heaven to the hungry in spirit.

    I wish that it could be like this: that when you pick up the Word it will mean that God is present with you and that the Word is His attitude toward you now.

    It is His attitude toward sin, toward Redemption, toward Righteousness, toward Eternal Life, toward the Sons and Daughters of God.

    That is the Father’s attitude toward all the issues of life.

    My word is my will. The Word is the Will of the Father.

    God watches over His Word.

    What God says is, becomes.

    God is Truth, so I will be true.

    God is LIght, so I will walk in the Light.

    You see, we learn to act on the Word, as we act on the word of a banker or a lawyer in some crisis in our life.

    I wonder if you ever realized that the Father is jealous over His Word.

    He never set a low estimate upon it. He holds it in the highest regard.

    If He said it, that ends it.

    To His enemies, it is but paper and ink; but to the Lovers, it is Life and health; it is joy unspeakable.

    The preaching that produces little conviction, is caused by the Word not having been in the heart of the teacher.

    We are to be sowers of the word.

    Jesus gave us in Matt.13 a marvelous picture of the art of preaching.

    It is sowing the Word. If falls upon all kinds of hearts, but the irrigation of the soil is dependent upon the sower.

    If we irrigate it with prayer and sometimes with tears, it is bound to bring forth a harvest.

    Some of us forget the Word in hard places.

    Unconsciously we walk by sight. The senses take the reality away from the Word, but as the spirit gains the ascendancy over the senses, the Word once more has its place.

    Remember, your word is you. You must learn to say, “I gave my word; I must keep it, no matter what it costs.”

    If your word is of no value, you will reason that the Word of God is of no value.

    I have found that unbelief in the Word of God is largely because of people’s lack of faith in their own word.

    If you want to build the highest type of faith, be a faithful person yourself. Believe in your own word.

    Establish a reputation for truth; then the Word will be that to you in your life.

    Here are some little facts that may mean much to your life.

    The Word is on my hands. What am I going to do with it?

    Am I going to act upon it, let it govern my life, or will I just study it?

    Will I sit in the Bible class and study it and then go back to my room and study it but not live it? Not let it become a part of my life, but just an intellectual exercise?

    The Word is taking the Master’s place in my life.

    What I do with the Word will determine what the Word will do to me one of these days.

    The Word will work in  me, building Jesus’ life in me, building Life, Faith, Love, Grace and strength into me, or else it will judge me in the last day.

    What will it do for me? It will work for me.

    If I preach it and live it, it will work for me. It will reveal the very riches of my inheritance to me.

    It will give me courage to enter into and enjoy my inheritance.

    It will build the Master’s steadfastness into me.

    The very character of Christ will be built into me, and only He know what it will do through me.    

    It has saved the lost; it has healed the sick; it has built faith and love in multitudes.

    Let the Word of Christ then dwell in you richly.    

    You can so soak in the Word and the Word so soak in you, that your word and God’s Word become blended into one.

    It will be your language and your words, but it will be His Word.

    His Word in you becomes a part of you.

    It has made you what you are; it will make others like you.

    You are lost in the Word, but the Word is found in you.

    The Word became Flesh once. It is becoming spirit in your spirit.

    The Word dwells richly in your practice, in your conversation, in your prayer, in your convictions.

    You are using the Word to cast out diseases, to bring money to people, to save lost souls.

    This Word and you have become one.

    You remember that for more than fifty years after Christ’s death, the Written Word was known only in a very limited way.

    The New Testament wasn’t brought together until the middle of the second century.

    The Words that Jesus spoke were not yet written. It was the “Spoken Word,” but He was in it. They were a part of Christ and they breathed Christ’s Nature.

    Remember, the Word of God liveth and abideth. All right, speak the Word, and it will live in the lives of men who hear you.

    He said, “I watch over my Word.” He will watch over the Word you preach and teach.

    Jesus said, “If my words are living in you and you are speaking them, I will live in them as they pass from your lips.”

    The Word of Christ becomes a living thing in your lips.

    Speak the Word fearlessly.

    Let the Word live in you gloriously and richly.”

Excerpted from: New Creation Realities, E.W. Kenyon (Seventeenth Printing,2000)



Why I like my Ipod-or how to enjoy crying kids and lots of ‘em

Most people, when they see my crew out in public, decide I might be a little crazy or a have a little lack of self control when it comes to “affairs” with my husband. Hmm, o.k., I guess I plead “guilty” to a little of both. What is a young woman like me doing with 4 kids 6 and under and one in the oven? I love to watch people’s expression as they nervously dance around our crowd and can’t help but ask, are ALL THESE YOURS????!!! I’ve had a few older women sympathetically say, it gets easier honey...just you wait and see. But what people don’t know is I’m secretly having a blast. 

    Yes, there are times I would like to send  my crew up the street to a neighbor’s house and tell them not to come home for a day or two....but everyone has those moments, don’t they? No, what I do when it gets a little loud for my taste, is I just put my ipod in my ears. I leave the volume right at the point where I can hear what I’m listening to, but I can stay in tune with the household at the same time. 

    If you don’t want to spring for an Ipod, the next best thing is a pair of ear plugs....those squishy $1 kind. It will just “mute” the crying or screaming or tired noises enough to where your sanity is still intact. But what I really like about the ipod is I can fill up on awesome tunes or preaching or an audiobook and feel as if someone is giving me a big emotional hug while seeing mouths around me moving and moving, but not getting the overload of baby emotions in my ears.

    This is my trick for sanity. I just love it. I asked for a Louis Vuitton fanny pack a couple of years ago with this “ipod” plan in mind and it has worked BEAUTIFULLY. Even at 6 months pregnant, the fanny pack clings to my stomach while I pump the tunes and sew and play and spend time cooking or with the kids. And I don’t feel so overwhelmed by noise. I figured out a few months ago that I am EXTREMELY auditory. What comes in my ears has a very big impact on me. I like swimming as a sport because no noise is coming in my earlobe. Total peace. I realized I was jogging on the treadmill and the t.v. (times 5), the people, the music in the loudspeakers, was stressing me out. So, when I started swimming laps, my refreshment from exercise went way up. I also like walking outside. Walking with four kids....definitely wear an ipod....there will be falls, some will lag behind, some will run ahead, and get ready because the security guard in the development WILL roll his window down and tell you to stay closer to your which point you tell him if you run, pee will come down your leg, at which point the 16 year old security guard will again tell you to get closer to the group (not sure which “end” of the group I’m to stick to), but when I put my ipod back in my ear and continue pushing the 1 year old....all is right again in the world.

More Great Birth Books

O.K. So, I wrote a blog on my favorite book, but I have several others that I really really recommend. I would put them in some sort of “top ten” order, but I think it would take too many valuable brain cells right now.

The Thinking Woman's Guide to a Better Birth by Henci Goer and Rhonda Wheeler (Paperback - Oct 1, 1999)

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Get it by Thursday, Mar 12 if you order in the next 20 hours and choose one-day shipping.


Excerpt - page 1: "... Without question, you want to have a safe and satisfying birth experience. I want that for you too, ..."

Surprise me! See a random page in this book.

Books: See all 543,170 items

Loved this book. It’s a GREAT knowledge base to give yourself and arm yourself before any birth, but especially a hospital birth. Every woman I’ve given this to really liked the book as well.

Gentle Birth Choices by Barbara Harper and Suzanne Arms (Paperback - Aug 20, 2005)

Buy new$19.95 $13.57

46 Used & new from $9.83

Get it by Thursday, Mar 12 if you order in the next 21 hours and choose one-day shipping.


This book was a great pre-birthing center, pre-midwife, or pre-natural birth book. My heart was thrilled over this book because I was planning a water birth with a midwife and this book really gets  you pumped about it.

Taking Charge of Your Fertility, 10th Anniversary Edition: The Definitive Guide to Natural Birth Control, Pregnancy Achievement, and Reproductive Health by Toni Weschler (Paperback - Oct 31, 2006)

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61 Used & new from $12.08

Get it by Thursday, Mar 12 if you order in the next 22 hours and choose one-day shipping.


 I should have put this one first as it’s important to get your hands on how to get pregnant before you read the birthing books. I really liked this book a lot. It was my first step as a woman of going from completely ignorant of what goes on with my body, to feeling much more in “the know”.

These looked really good:


Pushed: The Painful Truth About Childbirth and Modern Maternity Care by Jennifer Block (Paperback - April 7, 2008)

Buy new$16.00 $11.68

46 Used & new from $8.57

Get it by Thursday, Mar 12 if you order in the next 22 hours and choose one-day shipping.



Ina May's Guide to Childbirth by Ina May Gaskin (Paperback - Mar 4, 2003) - Illustrated

Buy new$18.00 $12.24

67 Used & new from $7.75

Get it by Thursday, Mar 12 if you order in the next 21 hours and choose one-day shipping.


The Business of Being Born ~ Ricki Lake, Dr. Michel Odent, Abby Epstein, and Cara Muhlhahn (DVD - May 6, 2008)

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36 Used & new from $18.75

Get it by Thursday, Mar 12 if you order in the next 20 hours and choose one-day shipping.


Also Available For Download From Amazon Video on Demand

DVD: See all 2 items

I’ve heard AWESOME things about this movie/documentary....I need to read the 2 books above and watch this movie. More and more....women are becoming dissatisfied with their birthing experience. More and more, women are realizing that their “moment” that should be cherished is being taken from them. Even in the last 2-3 years, new books and videos have come out on the subject: 


Born in the USA: How a Broken Maternity System Must Be Fixed to Put Women and Children First by Marsden Wagner (Paperback - May 21, 2008) - Illustrated

Buy new$16.95 $11.53

28 Used & new from $10.39

Get it by Thursday, Mar 12 if you order in the next 21 hours and choose one-day shipping.


It’s so important to research for yourself and plan out what you want to happen. Commit your birth to God and to prayer and do what’s necessary to have the birth the way you want it.  This is such an empowering experience and it’s important not to let anyone take it from you.

I think I’ll put parenting books on another blog-

My Number One Birth Book

I was going to do a “top ten book list” with this blog...but the first book deserves a page of its’ own. I am in the process of reading the book again, and I have to say that my mindset towards birth and the lack of fear I have concerning birth and the lack of pain I experience, has MUCH to do with this particular book.

    For those reading this blog that do not know me, I have home-birthed four of my children and am about to birth the fifth here at home. I have a unique history as to why I birth at home. My dad is a doctor. So, when I went to work with Dad, I always was either at the hospital or his general office. As a small child, I thought very little of the cold sterile rooms, the tall ceilings, the drab colors, and all of the doctors with the same “uniform”. Groans came from the various rooms that were scary. Within moments of my dad telling me where babies came from and especially the part about where they came OUT....I solidly set my heart and my mind that I would NEVER have a baby at the hospital. NEVER.    

    When my mom married my dad, she already had had three children from another marriage.  My dad didn’t mind whether they had children or not, he just insisted if they DID have children, that she birth them at home.  This was the most terrifying prospect my mom had ever faced. She was knocked out for all three of the primary births, and had no clue how to have a baby on her own.  Well, she read Grantley dick-Read’s book; Childbirth Without Fear, and on February the tenth, 1973, my mom had me by herself in the apartment where she and Dad were living. He came just in time to catch me and wrap me in a blanket and go show me off to all of his doctor friends. Admittedly, it was the most empowering moment of my mother’s life.  

    When I got pregnant, she handed me the book she read in 1972. Childbirth Without Fear, by Grantley Dick-Read. This book is still in print. I have the hard-bound second edition, copyright 1959. As I read the book again, it is occurring to me that my thought processes concerning birth are completely different from the average American woman.  I don’t “just have a high pain tolerance”....I love every moment of birth from the first contraction to pushing.  I think I have to agree with Grantley Dick-Read that birth is not painful, nor is it meant to be painful. It is just hard work and it becomes painful if you are overexhausted, low on iron, or just “low” period. That’s when you feel pain...but if you are Up and ready for the moment, the moment is oh-so-glorious. I guess this is why I am adamant about not birthing at night. I want to be fresh. I want to just have eaten a good meal. I want to birth while the kids are napping and I can focus. And, so far, I have found this to be an easy task. BUT, I do the exact exercises Grantley Dick-Read teaches in his book and I have resorted to his side-lying, breathing technique in almost every birth at one point or another.  If my labor starts at night and I want to avoid going into full labor, I just lie on my side and start the deep breathing that he teaches, and usually I can go back to sleep in 30 minutes or so. Many women get excited and jump up the minute it all starts, but I look at it like a nice marathon. Would I like to start at 3AM or would I like to start at 8AM-or even after breakfast? Knowing that I won’t be able to make it the whole way if I don’t have enough sleep motivates me to “sleep through” the first phase of labor if necessary. 

        As I am reading my favorite birth book (again), I realize I took the words in his book as my own and have lived out Grantley Dick-Read’s philosophy in every single one of my births. I don’t believe birth is equivalent with pain and neither does he. As Grantley Dick-Read points out in his book, the hebrew word for “labor” that God awarded Adam for his sin is the same Hebrew word “labor” that God awarded Eve for her sin. In both instances, labor means hard work, requiring some sweat. I’ve never seen a man at work...painting the house persay, that was in physical pain. He may grunt and groan and sweat....but I have not heard a man yell for a pain reliever from the simple act of working. The guys that translated under King James just put their own little word “pain” in Genesis 3 and other various places in for years and years women have accepted their “lot” in life, when their “lot” was the same as and sweat and in a days’ time your fruit will come forth.

    Grantley Dick-Read was a physician, and had some serious questions concerning childbirth and pain. He noticed that women in the lower classes experienced little to no pain, whereas the higher the class, the more “pain” they experienced. He began to research and found a tremendous connection between fear and pain. The more afraid of birth a woman was, or the greater the fear she had, the more pain she experienced in birth. Grantley Dick-Read goes to great lengths to prove this scientifically and then in actual life. He would educate a woman about birth...and then when it came to the birth, he would have the anesthesia there, but only 2 out of 200 women took the anesthesia. After 40 years of live experience with his hypothesis....he was totally convinced that medical science has done away with educating a woman and just offered anesthesia as the “answer” to birth. 

    He spends the first half of the book with all of the science behind fear and the nerves and the blood not getting to the uterus...and the second half of the book teaching you how to not have any fear in the birth and what to expect....I just LOVE this book. I love that it’s written by a doctor and I love that he proved his theory over 40 years and I love that it is still in print and that it EMPOWERS WOMEN. Too much, nowadays, women are not empowered to do the very thing God gifted them to do. I really like the empowering part.

    I know for me, it worked.