I'm sort of at a crossroads with this blog. The name of the blog is brightbirth and I began this particular blog when I became pregnant with Miley. Do I continue the blog or let it rest with my entire pregnancy and postpartum notes "blogged." My other blog, daringlydomestic.blogspot.com is probably where I'm at now. UNLESS I ever get pregnant again???? I'm thinking this is what I might do. I may switch to daringlydomestic and leave this blog up for expectant mothers to browse. The only problem with that, is once you have the child, what then?? Lots of moms get to the 'after the child' is born part and THEN the REAL assistance is needed. Everything from earaches to childraising, one million and one child rearing questions arise in the first year. Miley is five months old now, 19 lbs. and just began solids today.
I gave her mashed avocado. She liked it. I was so surprised. It's just rather bland and un-garlicky all by itself, but she savored the blandness and although she gagged a little bit, enjoyed it for at least 10 minutes. I thought of banana, but decided to go with almost flavorless food for the first two months. I also have given her fish broth and chicken broth and both of these she REALLY liked.
Hmm. I guess I'll stay here til she's a year old. Let's continue on with her "firsts" and on her first birthday, I'll conclude the blog. How's that?
I'm so glad you are going to keep this blog, at lease for awhile. I really enjoy reading your insight and wisdom! Have a blessed Christmas!