Well, I woke up this morning to a looonnnggg contraction. I guess it was so long it woke me up. Just a Braxton Hix, but it was quite intense. I googled a little bit and was reminded if you are having tons of BH contractions to drink lots of water. I drank a bunch of water and it calmed down.
At the end of each pregnancy, I have taken 5-w by Nature's Sunshine. Holly got me started on that with the first one and I have done it every time. This time, I have had so many BH contractions, I've hesitated taking it, but when I googled it, lots of women described births like my last one and they attributed it to 5-W or a similar herb concoction which readies your body for birth 5-6 weeks before the birth. One of the ladies said that she was having lots of Braxton Hicks and then around her due date her midwife checked her and she was already at 8 centimeters. I know this is what happened to me last time, and I am sort of suspicious of those "get ready herbs" getting me ready alright. I would REALLY recommend these herbs for moms on their first birth. THey are supposed to ready the body and eliminate such long labor.
The only thing is, when you burp after taking them, it tastes like really strong celery. But, I guess it's not THAT bad.
I had a baby shower this past week for one of my friends and it was so much fun! I thought it would make the time go faster for my pregnancy, and I think it may have worked. Three and a half weeks doesn't sound very long. I have been sewing and sewing. I sewed her a diaper bag and blanket, and now I am working on my diaper bag and blanket. After the contractions this morning, I realized I did not have any baby clothes washed or ready for the baby, so at 5:30 AM I threw some onsies and socks in the wash.
I need to find the infant cloth diapers in the attic somewhere and get those lined up and we should be good to go.
Just had to say that I love your blog! Lots and lots of good info! Hope that these last 3.5 weeks or so go by quickly, I can't wait to read or watch the birth story...I am a sucker for a good birth story! I think our favorite post by far has been the one you had to erase,my hubby was so happy to see someone give it straight like you did!!!
ReplyDeleteEveryone said that about that post....so funny! Thanks for your comments, I want to try and post the video of my last birth before I experience this birth.