For instance, every woman has a hobby. Some women, it's shopping, or surfing the net, or talking on the phone, photography, watching t.v. or doing SOMETHING that takes time. I personally have an aversion to driving places, watching t.v., and more recently, do not like to waste very much time surfing the net. I'm not a big phone girl unless I HAVE to drive somewhere, then I will call everyone back who has called in the last month. But, really, 15 minutes of time is a valuable block and I will fit cutting out a pattern or sewing two seams, or organizing the kids closet into that little block of time. All of those little blocks of time add up and by the end of the day I will have sewn a couple of outfits, folded 2 loads of laundry, read 15 books to the kids, boxed up some goodwill, worked out, and gotten to pray over the business.
It's nice. Those little 15 minute "gifts" God gives us and learning to do with them the most efficient things possible that make your life what it is today. I have been blessed with help, so that gives me more time to execute what I want to do and to have done, plus, I am not so wiped out by the end of the day.
So, that's it. That's my secret to having a full and flourishing day. Lately, I like blogging at the kitchen counter while all of the kids clean up the kitchen. It takes them a long time to do this task and I generally don't have the patience to wait on them to do it...but I find if I can give orders while multi-tasking....then it's a winner for all.
Great post! I have serious issues with surfing the net, this is just what I need to hear to help me get off of it! When you have this many kids every minute counts! I think my biggest issue is wanting to complete a task, so if I don't have the time I don't start it, but as you say 15 can accomplish something even if you don't finish!