O.K. Part one was a little pep talk on not getting down on yourself or hitting it too hard too fast. This is a little pep talk on how to lose the weight and lose it fast. I gave myself lots of time on the first three kids. On the fourth baby, I thought it was our last, so I was HOT to get into shape and quick. I think I waited at least 3 months, and then I blasted into working out and actively "dieting". Surprisingly, my milk supply went UP, not down. Number four was my strongest nurser, to the point of drawing blood (did not know that was POSSIBLE, but it is), so keeping milk up was a big deal with him. It may have been 6 months before I did this (it all gets a bit hazy), but anyway, when I started the exercise and diet plan, Mark and I had a competition and whoever lost the highest percentage of weight for the week got a massage from the other person. We lost on average 1-3 lbs. a week.
the DIET: was an easy one. And diet is really 80 percent of weight loss, so you can exercise til the dogs come home, but if you don't change your diet, it may take a while. The diet that we did was recommended to us by a trainer and it worked AWESOME! We ate protein only NO CARBS (rice, brown rice, potatoes, sweets, fruit....) unless we had just worked out, and then we could have carbs for about thirty minutes after the workout. No sugar, though. Just a sandwich or rice with dinner...that kind of thing. When I would get hungry I would eat sliced turkey with a slice of cheese, boiled eggs with yummy garlic salt, sardines with mustard, (lost you there, didn't I?), scrambled eggs with hot sauce, protein shake with kefir, jay robb protein powder, stevia, raw eggs, and ice (crushed into a smoothie-NO FRUIT), cheese dipped in hot sauce without chips, hummus by the spoonful, lots of beans, meat on the grill, hamburger wrapped in lettuce....you get my drift. Once a week was cheat day. We ate anything and everything we wanted. Usually, I would bake something special on this day. This quickly turned into "cheat weekend" where we would start cheating Friday night and end Sunday night. Monday morning, we would weigh and then start all over again. Every week, we lost weight. Some weeks it was as much as three or four pounds. Some weeks, only one pound. But we lost every week and quickly got down to our goal weight.
Exercise: for everyone is going to be different. I personally don't like to spend a LONG time exercising. 20 minutes is my favorite amount of time. I would rather work out 20 minutes twice a day, then do an hour long workout. I just won't work out an hour at a time. But I really push it for the 20 or 30 minutes that I'm working out. Personally, I like to swim (lost most of the crowd on that one, too). I like to jog, too, love taking the kids along, but noticed the best weight loss results on the weeks that I swam. A nice walk with the baby while kids are napping is my way of enjoying life. I like to wear an ipod and jog a block, walk a block, until my body can jog the whole way. My VERY VERY best stomach shaper is Swiss Ball Abs, by Adam Ford. It's an ab workout on dvd, three different workouts, that gets SUPER results in the minimum amount of time. I won't work out for an hour if possible and just hate sit-ups. The ball is so much more fun.
So, that's it. That's my super diet in a box and it works really really well. I like to weigh once a week and record it...it keeps me accountable. If I can't walk or run or swim, then I do my ab video. I rarely do two things in one day unless it just works out that way. And, as I said in the first blog, the baby is 7 weeks old and I average one to two workouts a week right now. Sleep is paramount, so if I don't sleep, then exercise is not an option for the day.
One last note on milk production. I really up my protein intake and water intake when I exercise. I think that's why my milk production goes up, not down. If I have a rough day and my milk DOES go down, I take fenugreek in capsule form or as an herbal tincture under the tongue. Goat's Rue increases milk as well. Wishgardenherbs.com has a milk "enrichment" herbal mixture as well as straight Goat's Rue. These are nice to have on hand and to take occasionally.
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