September 12th, 2009
Dear Michael:
You turned 2 years old, today. You LOVED singing “Happy Birthday” to yourself and clapped along with the rest of us. You are my bright firecracker, blessed child that enjoys singing and clapping. Ever since you could clap, you have clapped. You clap at the end of every song on the c.d. and if you ever hear anyone else in the room clapping, you clap along with them.
You are totally a truck and car guy. For your birthday, you got a big ‘ol wagon and remote controlled fire truck from Cici and you have been running around playing with these. Your favorite gift was the “lil coupe”. It’s a little red car with a yellow roof that you can either move with your feet, or sister can push. Of course, sister Megan enjoys pushing you all over the place in your new car. It has cup holders in the back of it, and today, I caught you with your little snack cup of cashews. You had them in the back of the car in the cup holder and you were grabbing a little snack “to go” as you sat in your new coupe.
You still call Mackenzie, “Megan”. You call all the dogs “peachy”. You call Max, “mahhk”. You have lots of cute phrases you use a lot. If you really want something, you always add “please” on the end....which makes me wants to give it to you. You always like to say: “come on, mom! come on, Dad!”, ALRIIIGHT! Let’s go!! Come on! What’s the matter? What’s happening? Here we go! Yay!! I’ll think of some more as soon as I finish this letter. It’s super cute.
You are a big guy. Your shoe size is almost as big as Max’s. Right now, you wear a 9.5. So far, your feet are the biggest the fastest (out of all the kids). You eat the most and eat just about anything put in front of you. You like all kinds of food, but if you get some bread....it’s hard to get you eating something else. You REALLY like bread. If you like something, you announce it. MMMmm, good!, you’ll say. And you have been the most complimentary of my cooking, thus far.
I love you. You have been a little piece of sunshine in my life. You surprised me by being a boy. You surprised me with your blonde hair. And you keep surprising me every day with your fun, challenging, exciting, personality. You were the clingiest and huggiest the longest. I was shocked when you stopped breastfeeding. You loved being close to mom and really enjoyed breastfeeding. I thought you would want to nurse forever....but all good things come to an end. And now, you are a big boy. You are two years old. And I am the most blessed mom in the whole world, for you are my son, and you give me great pleasure and joy.
love, Mommy
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