I'm sure you're wondering why there's a photo of my dirty 24 quart pot...but pictures help when you're trying to explain something. At a recent ladies' luncheon, the subject of chicken broth came up, and I think I've never gotten so many blank stares as I have with chicken broth (not just at the luncheon...). If you like my cooking....chicken broth is the secret ingredient. If you like my baking...coconut oil is the secret ingredient. But for now, I"m discussing chicken broth, a natural wonder that should make its' appearance in every woman's kitchen.
We live in a more rural area right now, but upon request, the grocery store gets me 6 whole organic chickens at a time for $65. (country mart...all you branson-ites), and these wonder-birds are used to make lots and lots of delicious dishes around here. If you cook the bird with the bone, you're going to get a FABULOUS flavor...so for anything "chicken", with shredded or cubed chicken, I like to throw a bird (or four) into the oven on a cookie sheet. I salt and pepper the birds and roast them for 30-45 minutes on 350. I then set them on the counter to cool and then de-bone the chicken. By de-bone, I mean, just pull all of the meat you can find and plop it in a bowl. Now you have chicken for soups, chicken enchiladas, chicken salad, chicken tacos, ...you get the idea. Not just ANY chicken. SUPER FLAVORFUL, yummy chicken. One idea is to roast your chickens on one day of the week (in preparation for the week's menus), and then store enough chicken per meal in ziploc bags. Then, you can freeze the bones for later, or make your broth. The above mentioned method is recent for me. Up until a few months ago, I ALWAYS made my broth by making Jordin Rubin's chicken broth recipe. After I feel it's "done", I pour the soup out of the large pot, through a strainer, into another large bowl. This gives me jars and jars of chicken broth (store your broth in 1 quart mason jars from walmart-they are about $1 a jar. Pour hot broth in the jar, but leave an inch of headroom so they won't break while freezing). After separating everything into three parts...chicken bowl, broth bowl, and vegetable bowl, I then put everyone's "soup" together for dinner. Each person gets a bowl of broth and then I'll scoop veggies in and chicken on top. Sometimes, I'll do pasta for a chicken noodle soup. This takes some work, but it's worth it. I use leftover chicken for the next day or two in dishes, the veggies get chopped into a meatloaf or something, and the broth goes into the freezer in jars. The night before I need broth, I put it on the counter to thaw, or I just keep rotating broth into the fridge as I use up the thawed out jar. I use the broth for rice, beans, soups, gravy, or just by itself as a delicious hot drink. The flavor is outstanding~
1 medium whole chicken
3-4 quarts of water
5 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
4 chicken feet (optional)
8 organic carrots
6 stalks of celery
4 zucchini
4 medium white onions
1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
4 inches grated ginger
5 cloves garlic
1 large bunch parsely
5 tbsp. moist high-mineral celtic sea salt
fill the largest stainless steel pot you can find with purified water
add 1 tbspoon of apple cider vinegar
let stand 10 minutes
fill the pot with chicken, vegetables, sea salt, and other ingredients
let boil for 60 seconds and lower heat
simmer soup for 12-14 hours add parsely 30 minutes beofe the soup is finished (i've never done this part). remove chicken from the bones and place the chicken meat back in the soup
remove and discard feet
This is actually from Jordin Rubin’s book: Patient Heal Thyself. He recommends eating this soup once a week for its’ healing powers. I make a huge batch of it, we eat it, and then I save the “broth” in quart jars for future chicken broth needs. When eating it, I like to add a dash of tabasco as well as an extra dash of salt.
Just use the ingredients that you have on hand or can get, but when possible, get the exact ingredients in the recipe. This is the tried and true recipe that Jordin Rubin used when healing from Crohn's disease. Chicken broth making is a "habit". I have the "habit" of keeping the whole birds in my refrigerator and I have a "habit" of making more when I'm down to only one or two jars. It keeps us in the good "habit" of eating chicken soup every two or three weeks. The ONE habit of making my own broth took my cooking up a whole new level. AND, it's better for you than store bought AND you have a substance on hand that heals the body while tasting delicious. The kids drink this warm out of a little cup if I give it to them. Miley drinks it out of a bottle. Yum Yum!
Now, the recipe calls for chicken feet...there ARE ways to get these...but most Americans are repulsed by parts....so let me know if you need help with that. The deal is, the marrow of the chicken has healing properties for the human's body. The feet of the chicken have an especially high amount of the gelatin????? or whatever the substance is that is so good for you. Chicken broth is known by the jews as their "penicillin" and has God given healing properties. Don't worry, you can still be spiritual and not eat the feet.
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