Saturday, February 27, 2010

Soap Nuts

O.K. So, this is a new one for me, but after researching, it looks like it's for real. My midwife, Holly, is SUPER sensitive to every chemical on the earth. She gets skin rash from all sorts of things (EXCEPT FOR MY SOAP, LOL). Anyway, we were talking about cloth diapering as it sounds like she will sell cloth diapers in her new birthing clinic and her new website. We talked about what to wash the diapers in, and she said she had been using soap nuts and really liked them (not for cloth diapers, just for all her clothes.) Long story short, they are some sort of fruit with saponins in them and they get the clothes really clean. I use Tide which is super expensive...but I kind of scratch my head every time I'm looking at the detergent section. I just haven't found anything that I really liked that much and I'm always distrusting a brand that advertises during the super bowl. I don't want to pay for that...I really just want good product. Anyway, I just ordered the soapnuts on Amazon and we shall see. Holly said they last her about 7 washes and then she tosses them. Her clothes get really clean and they are super soft.
To use them, you just put 5 nuts in a little muslin bag and toss the bag in the wash. When the nuts get squishy and gray (??), you toss them (into your garden if you have one-not me). I'll have to review the soapnuts when I get them. Also, Miley went off of her nursing strike exactly 7 days after she started. Every day I tried introducing my breast again and she cried about it. Finally, the morning of the seventh day, I woke up a little late and she was already hungry and crying. I didn't have time to pump before she ate, so I squirted some milk into her mouth from my breast....she cried for one second and then decided the boob was good enough for her. Babies can be so funny, sometimes.

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