The bulk of this blog was my fifth pregnancy experience. I "checked out" after having the baby, but now, am taking up blogging again. To all moms out there, no matter where you are in the process...."cheers"!!!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Colloidal Silver, Colds, and More bacteria Discussion

Friday, November 20, 2009
First Aid Kit

Saturday, November 14, 2009
Party Time

Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Happy Birthday Mackenzie! Number 7

November 12, 2009
Dear Mackenzie:
Happy Birthday! Seven years old is such a BIG girl age! I am enjoying you as you grow. You are girly and pretty and crafty. You like animals and people and playing games and you do some nice little practical jokes as well. You take good care of Malachi and Zoe and Peaches and make sure they get lots of “pets” during the day. You like to shop. You know how to make lots of money by doing your jobs. You can do almost any craft. You are an artist and VERY good at drawing, painting, coloring as well as playing the piano. I will teach you backgammon and some other new games now that you are seven.
Also, now that you are seven, God will start to show you more and more about Himself. This will be the year you start to develop really really good habits that will go with you for the rest of your life. The main habit when you are seven is to read your Bible every day. You may not like doing this at first, but it will be the habit that is more important than any other habit you develop. “what is a habit?” you ask. Well, here is the dictionary definition for habit: Function: noun
1 : a costume characteristic of an occupation, rank, or function
2 : a usual manner of behavior or thinking
3 : a way of behaving that has become fixed by being repeated often --
4 : characteristic way of growing or occurring
I put the ones in purple that apply to you. As you develop the habit of reading your Bible out loud every day (one chapter a day), you will get to know God for yourself. Up until now, I have read the Bible to you, or stories to you, and we have memorized scripture. All of those things are VERY good, but the very purpose of learning to read itself is that you may develop the habit of reading the Bible for yourself. Now that you are seven, you are responsible to read it aloud to yourself. When you read it aloud to yourself, your brain in your head and your spirit in your belly both hear it. The Bible is not just a book. It is God’s letter to you. The words in the Bible are alive and living things. It is different than any other book in the world. When you read it, it will change you. When you love it, it will speak to you. When you open it and take time for it, God will visit you. Every answer in the world is in the Bible. Everything you ever wanted to know, you can find in there. When you open it, ask the Holy Spirit to show you something special. Expect to find out something new about Jesus. Don’t just read it to get the prize at the end of the week, but read it with expectancy. Read it like you are expecting to get a “present” or a “treat” out of what you are reading. God has “treats” in His Word, but you have to EXPECT them, or you will miss out on HIS treats. I started this when I was seven. I started reading my Bible every day and God has shown me Himself through His Word. When you have the habit of reading your Bible every day, you are building your life on the “rock”, not the “sand”.
Mackenzie, build your life on the rock. I am your mom. I can only show you the right way and guide you in your life, but you are seven now and you have to start doing things with more purpose and choosing the right way yourself. If you choose the right way, God has LOTS AND LOTS of good surprises for you. So SO Good. But you have to take more responsibility this year than you did when you were six. God loves you. He has a plan for you. He knows who you are going to marry and what you will do and He has a road for you that is WONDERFUL. But, He gives you the choice. You choose to walk on His road and you choose to do it every day. The best way to understand HIS road, is to understand God. The best way to understand God is to read your Bible AND to pay special attention at church AND special attention to anyone who talks about God.
The other gift you have in your pocket is the Holy Spirit. Once you can pray in tongues, this is a special gift from the Lord. PRactice praying in tongues every day. I like to practice when I am taking a shower. You are old enough to take your own showers now and it is a good time to pray in the spirit. Try to pray in the spirit the whole shower long and you will find that praying in the spirit is like having your “battery” charged. You have a spiritual battery, just like your new scooter has a battery. When you pray in tongues, you don’t understand what you are saying, but it is charging your battery. There is a lot more about praying in tongues and things you can do with that gift, but for this year, just practice charging your battery every day for at least five minutes a day. Or, when you take a shower.
This is the year of GOOD habits. It is nice to run, and play, and explore the woods, and to ride horses, and to play games. Those things are wonderful. But, it is time for you to build your life on the “Rock”. And EVERY day, before you do THOSE things, you need to practice your good habits.
I am so happy to be your mom. You are a wonderful gift God has given to me. Can you tell that I like teaching you? It is one of my favorite things to do. Now that you are a BIG BIG girl, I will get to teach you even more and we will get to play some really cool games (like Backgammon and cribbage). But my favorite thing of all is to watch you grow in God and get to know Him. May you grow more this year that the last.
Remember in The Silver Chair, when Aslan tells Jill to REMEMBER the SIGNS and say them over and over? This letter is like Aslan’s signs to you. Don’t just read it and forget it. Remember the signs, or, the HABITS for this year. Keep them in your mind and practice them. I will put a little reminder in your bathroom, but I want you to do this on your own as well. Each day, after you read your Bible chapter, I want you to bring me your Bible popsicle stick and after seven days or seven popsicle sticks, you get to pick a prize from the goody bag. And they are GOOD prizes! You could earn 52 prizes by your next birthday, but you have to do your habit, to get the prizes. The best prize of all is that you will know Jesus better by November 12, 2010 than you did this year. But I want to help you get on your way to a lifetime of good habits, so that will be our little “game” for the year.
I love you very much. Daddy loves you very much. No matter what, we will always love you and always be here for you, but no matter how much we love you, God loves you 1000 times more than we do. He saw you before WE saw you. He saw you when He made Adam and Eve. He saw that we were going to be your mommy and daddy. He saw that you were going to have brown eyes and love animals. He put that inside of you. He saw you inside of my tummy and gave you lots of hair and perfect eyebrows. And now, He wants to talk to you. Open your heart and He will show Himself to you. Don’t fill your whole day with just yourself, if you do that, you will never truly be happy. It’s only when you make room for Him that your life will come alive. And as you walk hand in hand with Him, He will show you secrets. SEcrets about Him, secrets about you, secrets about life. He will show you how to draw people and how to play the piano better than most mommies and daddies can. Because with God, you can do everything BETTER.
I love you!
Saturday, October 31, 2009

Monday, September 14, 2009
Dear Michael, A Birthday Letter

September 12th, 2009
Dear Michael:
You turned 2 years old, today. You LOVED singing “Happy Birthday” to yourself and clapped along with the rest of us. You are my bright firecracker, blessed child that enjoys singing and clapping. Ever since you could clap, you have clapped. You clap at the end of every song on the c.d. and if you ever hear anyone else in the room clapping, you clap along with them.
You are totally a truck and car guy. For your birthday, you got a big ‘ol wagon and remote controlled fire truck from Cici and you have been running around playing with these. Your favorite gift was the “lil coupe”. It’s a little red car with a yellow roof that you can either move with your feet, or sister can push. Of course, sister Megan enjoys pushing you all over the place in your new car. It has cup holders in the back of it, and today, I caught you with your little snack cup of cashews. You had them in the back of the car in the cup holder and you were grabbing a little snack “to go” as you sat in your new coupe.
You still call Mackenzie, “Megan”. You call all the dogs “peachy”. You call Max, “mahhk”. You have lots of cute phrases you use a lot. If you really want something, you always add “please” on the end....which makes me wants to give it to you. You always like to say: “come on, mom! come on, Dad!”, ALRIIIGHT! Let’s go!! Come on! What’s the matter? What’s happening? Here we go! Yay!! I’ll think of some more as soon as I finish this letter. It’s super cute.
You are a big guy. Your shoe size is almost as big as Max’s. Right now, you wear a 9.5. So far, your feet are the biggest the fastest (out of all the kids). You eat the most and eat just about anything put in front of you. You like all kinds of food, but if you get some’s hard to get you eating something else. You REALLY like bread. If you like something, you announce it. MMMmm, good!, you’ll say. And you have been the most complimentary of my cooking, thus far.
I love you. You have been a little piece of sunshine in my life. You surprised me by being a boy. You surprised me with your blonde hair. And you keep surprising me every day with your fun, challenging, exciting, personality. You were the clingiest and huggiest the longest. I was shocked when you stopped breastfeeding. You loved being close to mom and really enjoyed breastfeeding. I thought you would want to nurse forever....but all good things come to an end. And now, you are a big boy. You are two years old. And I am the most blessed mom in the whole world, for you are my son, and you give me great pleasure and joy.
love, Mommy
Thursday, September 10, 2009
The IUD Test Drive, Part 2
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Birth Control-My New IUD-and other Various Forms of Birth Control

Tuesday, September 8, 2009
"Back into Shape" part 2-my MIRACLE Diet

Monday, September 7, 2009
Getting Back into "Shape"

Saturday, August 29, 2009
Mastitis, the Mom's Speeding Ticket from hell
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Homeschool and Getting Ready-6 weeks mark

...this is a closet organizer with clothes rack in the middle from Sam's (one year ago) to the left is a shoe organizer....I put a roll of butcher paper on the clothes rack as well as a teacher's pocket the right are art supplies
our butterfly classroom.....

Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Scheduling...the art of the perfect NIGHT

Monday, August 10, 2009
My bit on Cloth Diapering and Cloth diapers

Michael has on a diaper cover I knitted in this pic
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
The Sitz bath

Monday, July 27, 2009
A Few Postpartum Tidbits

Well, baby is about 10 days old and I thought I would journal a few little tidbits about this postpartum time before it flies out of my mind forever. This time, I didn't really tear, which made postpartum days a SNAP. By day three, I had no soreness at all and felt surprisingly good. By day 7, I felt ready to exercise again. But first, a few tricks I figured out this time.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
July 16th, Finally, a birthday!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009
BIrth Day
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Wings...or How to Survive the Last Few Days Before birth

"He gives strength to the weary, and to him who lacks might He increases power. Though youths grow weary and tired, and vigorous young men stumble badly, yet those who wait for the Lord will gain new strength; they will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary." Isaiah 40:29-31
Monday, June 29, 2009
Time Management
Sunday, June 21, 2009
A Week of Braxton Hicks

This week was interesting, to say the least. I always take "5-W" by Nature's Sunshine the last 5 weeks of the pregnancy, and this time, it gave me such intense contractions, that I had to stop. I guess once you get to the fifth pregnancy, your body doesn't need herbs to tell it what to will just go into labor when it's ready.