Alright, so today is Thanksgiving and I don’t know how far along I am, probably 6 weeks, but EVERY time I get pregnant, this pregnathon thought comes to me. I have 9 months to train physically, mentally, spiritually for one of the best days of my life. And I do train. I wake up, I need to exercise. I line up my vitamins and my minerals. I drink special drinks. I do sit ups and jump rope. I eat 100 grams of protein per day. I boil eggs for protein, I make smoothies (sometimes twice a day), I keep raw almonds in my purse and my car, and I try VERY VERY hard to stay away from fast food (although it’s sometimes necessary). And basically...I’m a pregnant Rocky Balboa who gains 50 lbs. per pregnancy but is fit and ready for “the day”.
The pregnancy for me is so so. The “day” is just the BEST. I love the day of the birth. I usually birth in water, and we homebirth, so we will have a video of it. I will usually pick my swimsuit for the film of the year and the whole thing. Last time, I was unusually tan and the weather was perfect and I birthed outside in the hot tub. That was SUCH a good birth. I will have to put it on you tube sometime.
This time, I got back in shape much faster after the fourth birth. My husband and I had a biggest loser competition and I got about 3 lbs. from my pre-first baby weight. It happened so quickly and so efficiently, that it felt like I had not been pregnant for at least 2 years when I got pregnant this time. In the last 3 births...I kind of thought if I exercised or dieted too soon, my milk supply would “dip”. This time, I did not care, I thought it was the last kid and so I exercised and dieted big time (no sugar or bread and WORK OUT MAMA). I needed breastpads the WHOLE time. My milk was off the charts....so a word to the wise... Probably by at least 2 months or so, you can start walking and exercising again. And for sure, by 3 or 4 months, you can be in a regular routine.
My BIG deal for moms is a GOOD jogger stroller. Anyone can walk. And walking with an ipod is even better, you may as well be at the spa. If you live in cold country...learn to bundle up or go to the mall. But, a jogger stroller makes you feel like you can get a break, even though you are with baby. And, you are getting the positive endorphins and hormones back in balance at the same time. Now, I’m a planner, so every pregnancy I ebay or scheme or baby shower my way to a very nice very expensive one of these. They are not so expensive the first go around, but then they double in price every seat you add. The above jogger is my “zoo and mall” triple. It is a Valco (brand) and has tiny tires and no hand brake, but this guy is AWESOME. It is also $750 with my extra special jump seat in the front that makes it a triple. You can buy the actual double for $600 or so and add the jumpseat later. The beauty on this one is that it is narrow. A triple is a must for a woman with 4 kids under the age of 6. Because at SOME point at the mall or zoo, none of them will want to walk. Too hot, too tired....and you can plop them in and go. I had a triple wide on baby number 3 and ended up selling it on craigslist so that I could get THIS triple so that I could fit it through a doorway that did not need a garage door opener (if you get my drift).
O.K. These are ways to get a good jogger: have a garage sale, sell items on ebay, or visit craigslist often for your town and surrounding areas. Also, Amazon is a great source or joggingstroller.com for researching reviews on strollers and what people have to say that have owned them.
My next pregnathon item: (and I will show a photo when it comes). A FABULOUS ladies cruising bike and a FABULOUS extra large trailer that could even hold groceries (smile).
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