I guess the hardest part of waiting for the birth is the one or two or 10 days AFTER the supposed due date. You may have rough spots along the way, but now you are as big as a horse, you've prepared and accomplished 40 weeks, and your body seems like it's not going to budge. Well, don't lose heart, the baby IS coming. Have lots of sex and include orgasms because this will help soften the cervix and get the baby to come out nicely. My midwife always suggests walking....what a bore and it never seemed to speed up anything for me. Although, I think exercise helps the mental "part" if nothing else.
I came on THE due date 3 out of 4 times. The 3rd child stayed in ten extra days. If it's any comfort, his weight was less than 2 of the other children's weights. I was a little nervous about that one part since I have 10 lb. babies, but he was only 9.5 lbs., so this proved to me that they are ready when they are ready and they will come out in God's timing. My best advice is to get as busy as you physically can. My photo is of me at Sea World, a few hours before my second child broke my water. With each pregnancy I have done different "activities" to take my mind off the bulge.
The first pregnancy, I took golf lessons and lifted weights. The second pregnancy, I got Sea World passes and went as often as possible. The third pregnancy, I had a party the night before the due date and when the baby didn't come on the due date or the next day, I got the inkling that this child was NOT coming soon, so I just relaxed and enjoyed myself until he did come....and then he VERY SLOWLY came with contractions only staying 10 minutes apart the entire time. I finally just went to bed and barely woke up for each contraction until it was time to push. Number four tried to come at night....I don't like this, so I put him off, but in the morning, labor did not come again. This happened twice and then the day AFTER the due date, I felt like it was time and took some castor oil (just a tiny bit) and he was in my arms in less than two hours. I'm not sure if the castor oil even had time to work. I literally went into labor 5 or 10 minutes after I took it.
This time....well, I'm officially six weeks away and I am ready ready ready ready. I don't remember being THIS uncomfortable this far away from the due date. The baby feels huge and is pressing on my rib cage. At first, it was breech (for the last 4 weeks) and it's hard head was pressing. Now, it has flipped and it's buns and legs are pressing. I am most comfortable in the swimming pool...in fact, I am DRIVEN to do laps in the pool every day. Today, I kept getting acid reflux and felt I was half drowning...and just taking up a lane for no reason, so I got out of the pool. But normally, all of my discomfort flies away the minute I'm in the pool. This will be my distraction until the baby is born.
I usually walk for exercise, but swimming is SO much better. When walking, you are acutely aware of your personal heaviness and how much bigger you are getting on a weekly basis. In swimming, it's the opposite. You feel huge, you dive in, you're instantly buoyant and fabulous and feel light and clean again. It's quite euphoric. Yesterday I timed how long it took after swimming to feel heavy again and it was about 2 hours. You should try it, you'll like it. If you are like me, you will become somewhat like a labrador retriever who cannot resist water- a puddle or a pool to save his life. He HAS to get wet and the more often the better.....for himself as well as surrounding friends and family.
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