Lots of people are amazed when you home birth and especially when you play it off like it’s no big deal...but these little combs were just AWESOME for me and I used them for three out of four of the births. They cost about $10 and I can honestly say they helped me a lot. They relieve pain through pressure points in the fingers and as the due date comes on, I find my combs in the attic and they make their way closer and closer to my bedside table. The night before the due date, I put them under my pillow or somewhere VERY EASY to access. This last birth, I had them very very close to me and I was in some serious labor two different nights for a couple of hours, pretty much by myself. When the contractions peaked, I would squeeze my combs, and there was a big difference between “comb” contractions and “non-comb” contractions. I wouldn’t do a birth without them.
Well, I get asked where I bought these and the humble little things just get tossed back in my “birth box” the second the birth is over, so the distant memory of where I bought them or how I heard about them is just that-a distant memory. Well, it came back to me tonight after days and days of pondering where I got them, so I put the website up by those handy dandy combs and here: www.mcreflexology.com just for you. If you are birthing in the near future and can’t get drugs until 4 centimeters, get some combs. You’ll like them.
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