Sunday, May 24, 2009

A Good Probiotic and More

   I get a lot of questions on this probiotic that I I want to write about it in a blog. 

    First of all, the probiotic that I use is bar none, the best. Because I have dealt with sugar addiction, yeast, candida issues, plus, my kids had eczema for a total of three years, the probiotic has been our number one vitamin in the house. I started with generic probiotic, brand A at whole foods. Brand A did nothing for us, so I tried brand B...then onto brand C....I was not noticing any difference or change in yeast issues whatsoever. I started researching the internet and ordered these super expensive “probiotic packets” and they seemed to help for awhile, but then the effect tapered off. Finally, I found Dr. Ohhira’s Professional Strength probiotic from Japan, and I noticed an Immediate difference with myself and with my kids when we took it. The cheapest place I have found it is at To be as specific as possible-yeast infection, extra dry skin on your hands that no lotion can help, eczema and extreme eczema behind the elbows and knees, itchy eyes, cracked heels, these were some of our specifically gut related issues. If you are new to this concept, most of your health-for better or worse-is in the gut. If you have allergies, for instance, your gut is probably just a little “weak” from any number of environmental factors. Probiotic, helps replace all of the good bacteria in the gut, which in turn, gets the bad stuff....out. Bad stuff in, itchy eyes, bad stuff out, no more itchy eyes. IF you have serious issues, just a probiotic will help, but a good diet and exercise PLUS the probiotic are a sure fire way to attack it. 

    Diet related problems with our family usually manifest instantly. For awhile, Megan was sensitive to fruit, wheat, sugar, and if she ate something she was sensitive to, she IMMEDIATELY started itching behind her legs or on the back of her neck. She itched so much there was blood in her crib. I took photos and was going to post them, but must have deleted them of her legs. Mackenzie had this as well. When I have mentioned it to others who have had eczema...they contracted it when small and had to take medicine for life and were told they would never get over it. Well, I’m here to say you can get over it. I eliminated every item that seemed to be making Megan itch from her diet (#1). Then, I got her a good strong probiotic (Dr. Ohhira’s) and she took 4 pills in the morning and 4 at night. I had to wait about 4-6 weeks AFTER her skin was clear before I introduced any of the no-no foods and then introduced them very slowly back into the diet. She now has no sensitivity to any foods whatsoever. 

    A final note on all of this. I also prayed fervently more than once for MEgan and stood for healing in our home. I also went and prayed for neighbors when they were ill to insure I had healing prayer covering the whole block of our house. Personal anxiety that a parent may experience from watching your young one experience an illness or severe discomfort can really put a strain on your relationship with God, Husband, and everyone surrounding you. I HIGHLY recommend reading Lilian B. Yeomans, M.D. book: HIS HEALING POWER. This book will change you forever. It was Kenneth Hagin’s favorite book on healing and he read it almost every night of his life. He was miraculously healed when he was 16, but the devil hounded him for years with the fact that it may come back. I believe Lilian B. Yeomans book helped him overcome in this area. I keep 10 copies on hand at all times and read a few passages every month to keep my faith strong in this area. I have experienced more personal healing from this book than from any other.

    Hope this helps everyone that has asked or wondered about the probiotic we use!!!!    

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