Most people, when they see my crew out in public, decide I might be a little crazy or a have a little lack of self control when it comes to “affairs” with my husband. Hmm, o.k., I guess I plead “guilty” to a little of both. What is a young woman like me doing with 4 kids 6 and under and one in the oven? I love to watch people’s expression as they nervously dance around our crowd and can’t help but ask, are ALL THESE YOURS????!!! I’ve had a few older women sympathetically say, it gets easier honey...just you wait and see. But what people don’t know is I’m secretly having a blast.
Yes, there are times I would like to send my crew up the street to a neighbor’s house and tell them not to come home for a day or two....but everyone has those moments, don’t they? No, what I do when it gets a little loud for my taste, is I just put my ipod in my ears. I leave the volume right at the point where I can hear what I’m listening to, but I can stay in tune with the household at the same time.
If you don’t want to spring for an Ipod, the next best thing is a pair of ear plugs....those squishy $1 kind. It will just “mute” the crying or screaming or tired noises enough to where your sanity is still intact. But what I really like about the ipod is I can fill up on awesome tunes or preaching or an audiobook and feel as if someone is giving me a big emotional hug while seeing mouths around me moving and moving, but not getting the overload of baby emotions in my ears.
This is my trick for sanity. I just love it. I asked for a Louis Vuitton fanny pack a couple of years ago with this “ipod” plan in mind and it has worked BEAUTIFULLY. Even at 6 months pregnant, the fanny pack clings to my stomach while I pump the tunes and sew and play and spend time cooking or with the kids. And I don’t feel so overwhelmed by noise. I figured out a few months ago that I am EXTREMELY auditory. What comes in my ears has a very big impact on me. I like swimming as a sport because no noise is coming in my earlobe. Total peace. I realized I was jogging on the treadmill and the t.v. (times 5), the people, the music in the loudspeakers, was stressing me out. So, when I started swimming laps, my refreshment from exercise went way up. I also like walking outside. Walking with four kids....definitely wear an ipod....there will be falls, some will lag behind, some will run ahead, and get ready because the security guard in the development WILL roll his window down and tell you to stay closer to your kids...at which point you tell him if you run, pee will come down your leg, at which point the 16 year old security guard will again tell you to get closer to the group (not sure which “end” of the group I’m to stick to), but when I put my ipod back in my ear and continue pushing the 1 year old....all is right again in the world.
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