This will only apply to those of my readers are pregnant, birthing, or post-partum...but as I was musing today, I remembered several “tips” that I could share that help before, during, and after the birth. The photo of the day is of the Belly Bandit belly wrap (well, the wrap in a box). This concept has really taken off in America just in the last few months, but I heard about it before my first birth and it REALLY WORKS!
Wrapping the belly is something women in other countries have done for years. I had heard from some woman that women in Mexico and South America wrap their stomachs very tightly with cloth after the birth and it helps keep “air” from getting in the stomach and helps to flatten the stomach after the birth. I was at babies r us shortly after hearing this story and happened to see a “maternity wrap” there. So, I bought one. I have used it faithfully three out of the four of my post-partums, and the one birth that I did not use my belly stomach looked TOTALLY different at 9 months. It was wrinkly skin folds whereas, when I had used the wrap, my stomach was back to being smooth very quickly.
The wrap itself is almost like a back support thing you see guys wear who work at back-hurting jobs. It’s kind of stretchy, but strong, and has adjustable velcro. Pretty much right after the birth, I wrap that puppy around my stomach and velcro it as tight as it will go. I got a new one today at Chic Mama maternity simply because my last one got a little “worn”. I wear it for at least a couple of weeks, sometimes longer, after the birth. I put it on in the morning and take it off at night and it does indeed work. There are probably lots of brands now, the one I bought at Babies R Us was $30 or so and today’s was $45....they aren’t cheap....they’re just worth it. (I like nude or white)
O.K. Condom popsicles. These are totally awesome for after the birth as well. But you need them ready before you have the baby. Get condoms from Walmart in the red package (non-lubricated). Fill them with water and tie them, then put them in the freezer. They are FABULOUS after the birth. When you are “healing”, nothing feels better than a condom popsicle. I kind of put cloth between me and the frozen better that way. If you tear or are healing from stitches, use a hair dryer down there...that works wonders for healing...keep it dry. My “healing properties” potion that I use is as follows. After I go to the bathroom, I use a wet washcloth with witch hazel on it or some of those tucks pads (they have witchhazel as well). Then, I like to wear cloth pads instead of the paper and I douse the pad with aloe vera and sort of press it onto the healing area after I have witch hazeled. Well, before pulling up my pants, if necessary, I get out the hair dryer...ahhh....that feels SO good. The other thing I am constantly putting on down there is some type of comfrey salve. You can find this at any health food store or locally made from a farmer. These salves are usually olive oil based and have comfrey and other ingredients that help to heal and soothe the skin like no other substance on earth. Use this salve on bottoms, nipples, babies’ bottom, and any area of the skin that needs healing.
Why go through all these items now? Because you like to have them on hand before the birth. I guess I could have called this blog the “birth kit” since these items I line up as part of my personal “birth kit.” Aloe vera, witch hazel, comfrey salve, hair dryer, cotton panty liners (homemade, or you can order at, birthing combs (a combs blog), non-lubricated condoms frozen and hiding in the back of the freezer from the mother-in-law, and some necessary herbs.
Herbs...should this be in its’ own blog? Hmm. I guess I’ll put a couple of herbs here since they are definitely in my birth kit. LOVE for women’s herbs. The tinctures there that I really like are AFTEREASE (relieves post-partum contractions), BABY BLUES (take this instead of prozac-or you can use Rescue Remedy Stress Relief found at any major health food store). A word about baby blues....I had an intense first birth and then right after my milk came in, I cried and cried and did not know why I was crying. The next birth, I had BABY BLUES on hand and just took a dropperful whenever my emotions even felt a tiny bit low and it was as if I was about to sneeze, but then I didn’t. Whatever herbs are in that potion, they got my hormones on “normal” until I really was normal. This may not happen to everyone....
Back to There are some healing balms you can purchase and my other favorite herb is the SMOOTH TRANSITIONS which I use in the transition phase of labor. If you are not using will skate through the birth with the reflexology combs and SMOOTH TRANSITIONS. The website has lots of other herbs...these are just my three favorites.
If you have a stop and start labor for several days...try castor oil, it can kick labor into high gear. Also, sex right before labor helps open up the cervix (this is a fun subject), or walking....although, walking never helped me until after labor started.
Oh. Hemmrhoids (how do you spell that horrible word?). If you get one, take Rutin...shrinks ‘em in minutes. Um, oh, do lots of kegels and take the Bradley ( helps tons!!
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